Fee schedule
Annual dues & fees
Dues: $1,293 (lots with water and/or residential use); $1,183 (all other lots)
Water infrastructure (base): $520 (all lots)
Water use: $136 (up to annual use of 35,000 gallons)
Water-use surcharge (applied when usage exceeds 35,000 gallons annually): $1.50 per 1,000 gallons for use between 35,000 and 100,000; $2 per 1,000 gallons over 100,000
NOTE: The water-use fee for 2025-2026 will change to one based on a lot's actual water consumption. Starting at the first gallon used, there will be a charge per 1000 gallons (as yet undetermined but based on costs incurred to deliver water to owners; for example, $3 or $5 per 1000 gallons). Water-meter readings from May 2024 to April 2025 will be used to determine a lot's annual water consumption.
Garbage & recycling: $133 (developed or developing lots)
Snowplowing (community roads included in dues, but private driveways are not; contact Andy Oosterhof for pricing)
One-time fees
Water hookup: $2,100 (updated annually by Board vote to reflect actual costs)
Owner transfer: $25
Lot consolidation: One year of dues and water fees
Building deposits
Construction 200 sq ft or larger: $2,000 (fully refundable if work completed within time allowed)
Construction less than 200 sq ft, remodel or re-roof: $500 (fully refundable if work completed within time allowed)
Site change: No fee