Governance & Guidelines
The Pine Forest Owners Association bylaws are the procedures by which the Association governs its business. The bylaws typically deal with meetings, elections, voting, proxies, etc. They are considered the “how” of the Association. Read Bylaws
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) is a legally binding document that is recorded and filed officially with Washington state. The CC&Rs of the Pine Forest Owners Association include the rights and obligations of owners within the Association to its members and vice versa. They are considered the “what” of the Association. Read Covenants
Policies & Rules
The Policies & Rules of the Association can be characterized as the “catch-all” for things not covered in the bylaws or CC&Rs. A policy defines what is acceptable per community standards; for example, setting the process of collections, meetings, and enforcement. Read Policies & Rules
Annual budgets and balance sheets. Read more
(Private. To view, you must be an owner in Pine Forest. Email webmaster@pine-forest.org for the access information.) -
Meeting Minutes
Minutes from Board meetings and the annual Pine Forest Owner Association meeting are available here.
(Private. To view, you must be an owner in Pine Forest. Email webmaster@pine-forest.org for the access information.)
The Architecture Committee’s design review process is intended to provide consistent guidance on design and implementation for new construction and renovations in Pine Forest. Read guidelines
Good Neighbor
Establishing good terms with neighbors yields numerous additional benefits, making Pine Forest an even friendlier, safer, nicer, and more comfortable place to be. These guidelines were created to help all of us enjoy Pine Forest. Read guidelines
Pine Forest was incorporated on June 25, 1976, under the name Methow Mountain Owners Association. In 1992, the Owners Association membership voted to change the corporation's name to Pine Forest Owners Association, with the name being officially registered with the State of Washington on May 3, 1996.