Good Neighbor Guidelines

Revised March 2020

As Pine Forest residents, we are very lucky to live in the best neighborhood in the best location in the Methow Valley! Taking the time to establish good terms with neighbors yields numerous additional benefits, making Pine Forest an even friendlier, safer, nicer, and more comfortable place to be. To help all of us enjoy Pine Forest, please observe the following guidelines as you enjoy time spent here.

  • Familiarize yourself with the Pine Forest Owners Association’s covenants, bylaws, and other policies.

  • Refer to our password-protected Owners Directory, the private Pine Forest Facebook page, and/or the private Pine Forest SharePoint Owners site to share with or seek information from other owners, rather than to air grievances or communicate with the Board or Community & Property Manager. If you have an issue with a neighbor or Board member, please go directly to the responsible person to ask your question or to discuss your concern in a respectful manner. Refer to the Owners Directory to find out how to reach your neighbors.

  • Consider pitching in to help keep Pine Forest awesome by volunteering to serve on the Board or a committee or answering the call for specific community service efforts.

  • We are lucky that Pine Forest’s natural setting attracts a wide variety of wildlife, including the occasional bear. To help them be good neighbors—and avoid getting euthanized—don’t store garbage, pet food, wild bird food, or other bear attractants outside, unless using a bear-proof container. Take down bird feeders at the end of winter. Check out Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife's (WDFW) pamphlet on “Living in Bear Country.

  • To allow your neighbors to enjoy our gorgeous night skies, please turn off all outside lights before retiring at night or leaving your home for an extended time. Consider using outdoor lights that shine down and/or are under an overhang. Eliminate unnecessary light pollution by limiting the use of timers to turn on lights when you’re not here.

  • Pine Forest is pet-friendly, and we also expect pets to be good neighbors. Please make sure your dog isn’t annoying others by barking early in the morning, late in the evening, or a lot, including when you’re not home. Do not allow your dog to roam unsupervised in Pine Forest, and if your dog is unsure around humans, please keep them on a leash. So we may all, humans and pets, enjoy Pine Forest, please review and follow the elements of being a Canine Good Citizen.

  • Fire safety is a huge concern for Pine Forest. We live in a dry, highly combustible community and need to take all precautions to prevent the start of unwanted fires.

    • Firewise: Make your property more resistant to fire. Become familiar with the Firewise checklists.

    • Burn bans: Check for and adhere to burn bans issued by Okanogan County, the Washington Department of Ecology, and/or the Board. Before you burn, check to determine what is allowed in terms of burning, including barbecues and wood stoves at the following websites:

    Okanogan County Burn Bans

    Okanogan County Fire District 6

    State Department of Ecology

    State Department of Natural Resources (WDNR)

    • Notification of burning: If burning is allowed, either alert neighbors directly or contact the Pine Forest Board before doing any outdoor burning of vegetation or debris. If you use Facebook, please also post a notice on the PF Facebook page. (

    • Burning guidelines: Burn in accordance with WDNR guidelines.

    • Fireworks: Absolutely no explosive fireworks at any time. If snow is on the ground for New Year’s Eve, non-explosive fireworks like sparklers are okay.

    • Evacuation notices: When Pine Forest is under any level of evacuation notice due to wildland fire (i.e., 1/Ready, 2/Set, or 3/Go), get yourself ready and check to see that your neighbors are aware and whether they need any help. Read about “Ready, Set, Go”.

  • The community garbage bin is only for non-recyclable, non-hazardous household waste. Take large items, construction debris, and hazardous waste to the Twisp Transfer Station. The recycling bin is for plastic, paper and cardboard (flattened) items only. NO GLASS. Refer to Methow Recycles to know what can be recycled. Please also reattach the clips to the bins (to keep bears out), and don’t leave any garbage outside the bins!

  • Remember many of us enjoy Pine Forest for its tranquil environment. Please keep noise down in the late evening and early morning, and never fly drones over your neighbors’ property.

  • Please respect private property boundaries when you are out and about in Pine Forest.

  • Pine Forest has many unmarked intersections. Yield to other traffic in accordance with the standard rules of the road for Washington. In addition, be prepared to encounter pedestrians, cyclists, pets, and other surprises on the roads and keep speed slow for their sake, as well.

  • When driving on community roads, please be very mindful of keeping dust down by going only 15 mph or less. Homes near the entrance or close to other roads get bombarded by it during the dry season.

  • Pine Forest roads were not (in the 1970s) designed for use in winter. Be prepared for winter driving with true snow or winter (not all-season!) tires that have at least 1/8” of tread depth. For full-time owners, studded tires are strongly recommended. All winter residents, whether full- or part-time, should carry tire chains they know how to install. See our Winter Driving page for more tips.

Pine Forest neighbors work together to install a new sign at the entrance to the community.
Pine Forest neighbors carry log for new sign to the community entrance.